Postoperative TPLO management

See Postoperative TPLO Discharge Instructions and Physical therapy sheet provided for additional instructions and recheck schedule.

Most TPLO patients begin to bear weight on the operated limb within 5-7 days of surgery. This is variable from patient to patient. It is not uncommon for there to be swelling and sometimes edema distal to the tibia (at the hock) as well as bruising at the surgery site for the first week.

Consider an NSAID (if appropriate based on patient’s medical history) for up to 4 weeks and then refill as needed until they are healed.

If at any time the patient becomes acutely lame or is persistently lame – take 2 view radiographs to look for any signs of complication. Non-surgical complications include fibula fracture and patellar tendonitis (thickening of the tendon insertion and pain on palpation). These usually require strict rest and NSAID for a couple of weeks.

Potentially complications that may require surgical revision include: tibial tuberosity fracture or screw breakage with shifting of the osteotomy (rock back of the proximal segment and loss of stability).

Please send any films including the preoperative radiographs to Dr. Garrett Levin for evaluation.

Scheduled recheck radiographs at 8 weeks postoperative. This visit may require sedation based on the patients demeanor. The postoperative recheck radiographs do not have to be positioned like the preoperative radiographs (routine lateral and CdCr or CrCd position is permitted) as long as the joint and plate with screws can be visualized. Signs of good healing include stable position of the implants and bone, bridging bone along the caudal osteotomy on the lateral view and bridging bone lateral to the osteotomy on the CdCr view.

If the osteotomy is not yet healed at 8 weeks – then recheck radiographs again in 4 weeks. The patient should be using the leg well at this point in time.

Please call if you have any concerns or questions.